Monthly Archives: May 2014

Elliott-Lewis Well Represented at the BOMA World Showcase

Sheri Hocknell (left,) Brian Haley and Keith Ollkowski represented Elliott-Lewis at the BOMA World Showcase held on April 24th. Elliott-Lewis represented Italy at the event.   Laura A. Masapollo (right) Property Manager from Brandywine Realty Trust, was the winner of Elliott-Lewis' Italian Picnic Basket. Laura also took home one of the Italian chef's hats Sheri, Brian and Keith wore. Her dog, Shashrimi, seems less than amused with his new "cappello."

Elliott-Lewis Well Represented at the BOMA World Showcase2014-05-19T13:24:34-04:00

Elliott-Lewis is walking its way to better health.

Fifty employees at multiple Elliott-Lewis locations signed up to participate in Get Walking!, the six-month long program that utilizes the Walking Works web site of health-partner Independence Blue Cross .  In addition to organized walks over the lunch hour Monday,Wednesday and Friday, participants are encouraged to walk whenever they can and record their steps on pedometers they received in their registration kit.  Also included in that kit were maps of local walking paths and trails near the Black Lake Place office. Walkers who complete their goal for the month are qualified to win a $25 VISA gift card drawn at random each month with more prizes slated for the end of the program in November.

Elliott-Lewis is walking its way to better health.2014-05-15T14:25:39-04:00
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