Mikros Systems Announces Memorandum of Understanding with Elliott-Lewis Corporation to Offer Secure, Predictive HVAC Maintenance Solution

Bringing military-grade, cybersecure technology to enable remote monitoring and predictive maintenance for building management Princeton, N.J., Aug. 16, 2017: Mikros Systems Corporation (OTCQB: MKRS) and Elliott-Lewis Corporation announced today that they have entered into a memorandum of understanding to offer a condition-based maintenance solution for Heating Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (HVAC) equipment. Mikros will provide hardware and software development, system integration and test services based on its proprietary Prognostics Framework solution. Elliott-Lewis will provide subject matter expertise and technical consulting services for requirements definition, on-site installation and testing. Currently, Mikros and Elliott-Lewis have two active pilot systems that are providing key maintenance data on a daily basis to their technicians. According to a July 2016 report, the market for HVAC services is expected to reach over $90 billion by 2022. The Mikros/Elliott-Lewis maintenance solution aims to help property owners and managers increase the reliability and security of their HVAC systems. By integrating realtime and historical performance and reliability data from multiple sources, the solution can reduce system downtime, recommend proactive maintenance and decrease the likelihood of catastrophic failure. “Building management is the tip of the spear in the industrial internet-of-things,” commented Mark Malone, Mikros Vice President of Commercial Markets. “Extending our proven military maintenance systems, which use remote monitoring, defense-grade cybersecurity and [...]